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Dakshin Foundation

"Sharks and Rays of India" was compiled and created by the Flagships Programme at Dakshin Foundation in Bangalore, India. This resource has been assembled using data and information sourced from a variety of references, including research papers, articles, and museum blogs. We extend our gratitude to the authors for their valuable contributions and for granting permission to utilize images and information featured on this website.

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Trisha Gupta Dakshin Team Member

Trisha Gupta

Trisha Gupta is a marine conservation scientist doing her PhD at the University of Oxford. She works on the conservation and sustainable fishing of sharks and rays in India. Her research focuses on developing conservation solutions for threatened marine species while balancing livelihood needs of coastal communities.

Shruthi Kottillil Dakshin Team Member

Shruthi Kottillil

Shruthi Kottillil is an ecologist working on biodiversity conservation. After working on few terrestrial projects (wildlife rehabilitation, bat conservation), her focus has been on marine conservation (specifically elasmobranch) and fisheries management over the past 3 years. She currently works to understand the value/supply chain, demand of elasmobranch products along with species diversity and awareness creation at FERAL. She has also worked on other aspects such post-capture survival and catch rates of elasmobranchs in different gears and fisheries for better management. Being a member of GYBN she also works to ensure equal youth participation in the biodiversity conservation and policy space.

Sudha Kottillil Dakshin Team Member

Sudha Kottillil

Sudha Kottillil is a researcher and ecologist working on marine conservation and fisheries management with a focus on elasmobranchs. She is currently working on understanding elasmobranch species diversity, management as well as on projects aimed at improving public support and engagement for marine ecosystems and their conservation through education programs in schools. Prior to this, she worked on phylogeography and genetic diversity of sharks and rays in India and globally. She has also carried out research and worked on different terrestrial conservation projects. As part of GYBN, she engages in the UN policy space to push for youth inclusion and participation in biodiversity-related decision- making platforms.

Diya Das Dakshin Team Member

Diya Das

Diya Das is a shark and ray enthusiast, specifically obsessed with sphyrnids. She is currently pursuing a PhD in spatial ecology of elasmobranchs, investigating the potential use of geomagnetic cues in their orientation and navigation around volcanic islands, as well as the effect of the geomagnetic field on trans-oceanic migration of elasmobranch megafauna. She is also interested in the socio-economic factors that influence elasmobranch fisheries, and how to incorporate this knowledge into livelihood- and sustainability-friendly fisheries management.

E Haripriya Dakshin Team Member

E Haripriya

Haripriya has completed her M.Sc. in Environmental studies and resource management from TERI SAS, New Delhi, in 2021. As part of her master’s thesis, she conducted research on the life-history traits of commonly landed elasmobranchs in Malvan, Maharashtra. Her primary interests lie in pursuing multidisciplinary marine conservation, including socioeconomic, cultural, and food security dimensions. Currently, she is working in Dakshin Foundation’s Sustainable Fisheries Programme and is studying the ecological and socioeconomic implications of the fish meal fish oil (FMFO) sector along the Indian coast.

Our Office

Bengaluru-Address: 2203, 8th Main,
MCECHS Layout, D Block,
Sahakar Nagar, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560092
Email Address: marineflagships@dakshin.org