Elasmos of India

India's coastal waters harbor a remarkable diversity of elasmobranchs, boasting approximately 175 documented species across 44 families. Ongoing exploration suggests that there are undiscovered and undocumented species, emphasizing the richness of elasmobranch diversity in Indian waters.

Of the documented species, 168 have undergone assessment for extinction risk on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The results revealing some alarming statistics. 15% are categorized as Critically Endangered, signaling an imminent threat to their survival. An additional 24% are deemed Endangered, with 28% falling under the Vulnerable category. These figures underscore the urgent need to devise management strategies for fisheries and other conservation measures to protect the rich elasmobranch biodiversity in the Indian marine environment.

Appreciating the elasmobranch diversity in India extends beyond scientific significance. These creatures, including rays, sharks, and chimaeras, play vital roles in marine ecosystems, contributing to the health and balance of the oceans. Understanding and preserving the diverse elasmobranch species in Indian waters become imperative to maintain the integrity of these ecosystems and ensure the continued existence of these remarkable marine inhabitants.

coach whipray
cowtail stingray
javanese cownose ray
pelagic thresher shark
scaly whipray
tiger shark
whale shark